
Corinna Prediger

Senior Tax/Audit, Bachelor of Arts (BWL), Tax consultant

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5 questions for Corinna Prediger

In which areas are you primarily active?

My focus is on tax consulting, but I also regularly support my colleagues in auditing.

What problems do you solve for your clients?

I support my clients in the fulfilment of all tax and commercial law obligations, payroll accounting and the preparation of annual financial statements.

What makes Goppold special?

Most notably, Linn Goppold distinguishes itself internally through its modern and employee-oriented climate. Current topics such as digitization and a flexible working day are exemplified here.

For our clients, Linn Goppold offers a high quality level of advice as well as extensive technical expertise.

What has been your career path?

During my studies in business administration with a focus on taxes and auditing, I already gained my first practical experience at one of the largest auditing companies ("Big Four"). Since September 2019 I have been working at Linn Goppold as Assistant Tax/Audit.

What motivates you in your daily work?

The varied tasks, the diverse client structure and the collegial working atmosphere motivate me the most.

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